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Rabu, 14 Mac 2012

Business Gold Online, offer VGMC Sure Profits.refferal ID :155520351622

Pekanbaru - Industrial gold mining Panama, www.vgmc.com, (Virgin Gold Mining Corporation) offer the best return for shareholders. Enterprise has been operating since January 2010 that offers at least 2000 units of ownership of the shares

VGMC profitability system obtained by giving dividend to shareholders totaling 0.1 ounces of gold per month. Further, the company will provide facilities for online buying and selling gold that results can be added dividend, of gold per month or cash in U.S. dollars.

Each shareholder evidenced by a certificate of ownership, where every 100 ordinary shares will be given a piece of stock certificates. Shares can be known by, in to vgmc.com, then log on the main page. Further into the report and click on the certificate. Therein lies the certificate known to appear on behalf of the shareholders themselves.

One shareholder in Riau, R Mohd Djasman to Metro Riau claims to have three months to buy shares worth 2000 U.S. dollars worth of 3500atau (ten certificate). Until four months since the membership, capital proven again and then each month to receive benefits from VGMC in the form of gold and trading revenue (sale) of gold. Benefits can be enjoyed through his bank account that was listed in persayaratan membership.

This business does not have representation in Indonesia, including in Riau. But in the near future will be designed VGMC representative office in Asia. So, before any representation, directly to the center in Panama through online. '' I am confident that my funds are not lost, because they are expert in the field of gold mining in South Africa and Latin America,'' said Djasman.

Based on the results announcement VGMC data online, you already have 75 thousand shareholders from 65 countries worldwide. India is the largest country with a value of 50,575 shareholders. Indonesia itself there were 25,858 shareholders. While the area of ​​America, Canada record with a total of 50,072 shares of shareholders.

Djasman reason for choosing gold investment gold one of the inflation-free exchange. Conversely, if invested in a money kartal, the owner money can only be adaptive inflation and no increase in the value of the money we save.

'' I as a shareholder who has felt the benefits, suggest to people to not keep wealth in the form of cash only. Gold appears to be more profitable,'' he said while explaining each candidate will join a shareholder access recommended shareholders.

VGMC enterprises in aktivitasnya illustration, each process takes 1 ounce of gold cost 400 U.S. dollars. While the price depends on where the location of gold sold, such as 1375 U.S. dollars. (Rid)


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