Is the purpose VGMC
VISIONVirgin gold is a company that is really advanced and powerful, defend expectations are realistic and achievable. While this is a niche player globally, our long-term vision is to become the gold industry leaders, industry, mining and trade sectors advanced.
Our goal is to achieve through cooperation, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions and exploration in all geographic locations. VGMC aims to increase 3 to 5 billion dollars in new working capital through the issuance of preferred Stock Exchange for the global community in the next few years
Our company's mission is to build a sustainable mining company that consistently yield a profit on the shares to shareholders while leading in terms of safety, environmental management and corporate responsibility.
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
General Offer Prime while (IPO) is a proposal attractive and profitable, was not part of our short-term goal. We are comfortable as a private company because it allows us more space in which to prosper and compete. Based in a tax jurisdiction and a seamless effort off the coast, Virgin Gold is better-placed and more flexible, able to invest in land operations of many of your friends is the greater. Our short-term purpose is to grow as a company which is a global industry leader and a good return and consistent dividend to shareholders.
However, goes public will make our medium term priority. We see ourselves to launch IPO by the year 2015, if the environment is conducive. It would be very interesting if this materializes from the millions of private shareholders, we will have public shares. Virgin Gold Exchange Preferred Shareholders will be able to convert its shares into ordinary shares of public listed companies. Shares that they currently subscribe to denganVirgin Gold will appreciate the potential for some time after the IPO.
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